Recent Presentations
Illinois Music Educators Association
2021 - Virtual Workshop Presentations
April 8, 2021
November 2, 2019 - ILMEA District IV
Western Illinois University, Macomb Illinois
November 9, 2019 - ILMEA District I Jr. High Festival
Joliet Central High School. Joliet, IL
January 25, 2018, ILMEA - All-State Conference
Peoria Convention Center, Peoria, IL
April 27, 2018 - CSJA Spring Judges Meeting
Hilton Garden Inn, Louisville Kentucky
November 30, 2018 - ILMEA District II Festival
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL
November 17, 2018 - ILMEA District III Festival
Olivet University, Bourbonnais, IL
"Finally a clear conversation about what we teach..."
"Unlike anything you've heard or read about assessment."
"Very informative and enjoyable."
"You won't go to sleep on this one...funny too."

Upcoming Presentations
Book Presentations for 2021-2022 Now!
See us at 2021 Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, December 15 - 18, 2021!
Booth #1711
Free remote Clinics and now cost for IMEA Districts or 200 miles from Chicago
September 12 - Grays Lake, Illinois
September 18 - Normal, Illinois
September 25 - Geneseo, Illinois
October 2 - Danville, Illinois
October 9 - New Lenox, Illnois
October 16
October 23 - Fort Worth, Texas